Samsung today announced the Samsung SGH-G600, the first GSM 5.0-megapixel camera phone for European market. Housed in a fashionable black two-toned slider shell, the G600 is the latest member of Samsung's range of handsets and is made to capture quality pictures of priceless moments.
Consumers can use various modes such as panoramic or mosaic settings and enjoy built-in Power LED flash, image stabiliser and image enhancer. For a better viewing experience, the G600 incorporates a 2.2-inch LCD with 16 million colors and full Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity, enabling people to view larger pictures and graphics and helping users read text or Web pages in full.
The Samsung G600 is also equipped with a host of multimedia features designed for those on the go. Music lovers will enjoy the embedded MP3 player, which can be customized to individual tastes and preferences. With improved internet browsing, users will benefit from NetFront Browser v.3.4, which provides PC-like browser capabilities on the phone.
Samsung has pushed camera phone technology with the launch of series of industry's first camera phones including the 5.0-megapixel camera phone (SCH-S250) in 2004, 7.0-megapixel camera phone (SCH-V770) in 2005, and finally 10.0-megapixel camera phone (SCH-B600) in 2006 for Korean domestic market.
The use of Fengshui ........
10 years ago