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Upgrading to BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0

Upgrading to BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0

To provide some expert advice in planning your upgrade to BlackBerry® Enterprise Server v5.0, we enlisted the help of the BlackBerry® Professional Services team. In the following article they provide a framework for the steps they guide customers through in designing their BlackBerry® environment and recommendations for a smooth transition to BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0 that will give you a solid understanding of the new features, their importance for your organization’s BlackBerry environment and management priorities.

The upgrade path to BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0 is best viewed as a series of five distinct preparation stages: evaluation, readiness, solution design, planning, and implementation. In this article we describe each of the five stages in detail and explain how it gives you the tools you’ll need to ensure a manageable transition. How you implement each step will be determined, in part, by how large your organization is. A smaller organization, for instance, may not have the resources to create a full-scale test lab to evaluate BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0. However, no matter what size your organization is, it still has to go through each of these steps as you implement BlackBerry Enterprise Server v5.0.