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GlobeJot iPhone app acts as travel organizer

Just in time for those traveling to San Francisco for next week's Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC): Danilo Campos on Wednesday announced the release of GlobeJot, a new iPhone and iPod touch application that acts as a travel organizer. It costs $8 and is available for download from the App Store. Campos likens GlobeJot to "those gorgeous little leather travel journals of a forgotten age." The software tracks flight data, reservations, activities and checklists. It can store addresses and coordinates for instant one-tap viewing in the Maps application, and provides similar functionality for calling airlines and hotels to check on reservations.

GlobeJot's main "Dashboard" interface can be customized with the data you want. GlobeJot supports TripIt, the Web-based travel itinerary and trip planning service—you can import flights, reservations and activities from TripIt into GlobeJot.

GlobeJot lets you plan multiple trips, and helps you develop lists of all the things you want or need to do while you're traveling. These lists can be sorted by name, priority or cost.

Requirements call for iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later.